It’s never too late to switch to a career you’re truly passionate about! Meet Audrey, Ray, and Alicia – 3 EFA future professionals who decided to change paths and pursue a career in the beauty industry with Eric Fisher Academy.
"The further I got into my college education, the more I realized that I didn't have the passion for the career I had chosen for myself..."
Click here to read more about Audrey's choice to leave traditional college to pursue her cosmetology career!
"I had a strong desire to make a career switch, and I was very bored and unchallenged at my previous job."
Click here to learn more about Ray's journey from federal officer to cosmetologist!
"Even after I got my college degrees, it still felt like something was missing. I wanted to do something that I would be happy doing. "
Alicia had dreamed of attending EFA since high school, but chose the 4-year college route instead. Click here to find out how she found her way back to us!
Are you ready to make the switch to cosmetology?
We can help you move to the next phase of figuring out the whole following-your-dreams-of-going-to-beauty-school thing.
Or call our Admissions Team at 316-440-4782 today!