What were you doing prior to attending EFA?
I am a graduate from The University of Kansas (rock chalk!) with a double major in Communication Studies and Women's Studies. After graduating in 2016, I worked in the internet sales department of a car dealership where I took calls and contacted people to come in and test drive vehicles.
How did you decide to make the switch to cosmetology?
I had always wanted to be in the cosmetology field. I dreamed of going to Eric Fisher Academy all throughout high school, but my parents wanted me to go to a 4-year college and get a degree first — so that's exactly what I did. Even after I got my degrees, it still felt like something was missing and I wanted to do something that I would be happy doing. I knew I still wanted to enroll at EFA, so I decided to start my journey here!
Why did you choose Eric Fisher Academy?
Since I had always wanted to attend EFA, I never toured any other schools. I came here and fell in love with the atmosphere because everyone was so positive and welcoming. It just felt so right! While I was on my tour of the campus, I got the chance to talk to Eric and even just chatting with him was so inspiring. That experience just confirmed even more that this was the right place for me.
What has been your favorite thing to learn so far?
I want to say everything, but learning with a hands-on approach has been the best thing for me. I get to work on actual clients and the salon here is always busy, so we get tons of experience before we even graduate. I love a challenge, and cosmetology school makes you think outside the box. Thinking outside the box is what makes you unique, and being unique makes you successful.
Who inspires you? Why?
I don't think it's just one person. The people who inspire me are the people who surround me every day. Who you surround yourself with should push you to be the best version of yourself!
Tell us about your career goals.
My present goal is to join a salon that has a great assistant program so I can learn even more. I know that will help me be the best stylist I can be. One of my future goals is to be a brand representative who travels around and educates others about a product line.
Do you have advice for anyone who might be interested in a career in the beauty industry?
If you feel like you have a true passion for this, DO IT! You have to find something you are excited about and love to do.
How would your life be different now if you hadn't switched to cosmetology school?
Before I came to EFA, I felt myself becoming an unhappy, non-passionate person. I was in a career that wasn't giving me anything but money. I didn't want that — I wanted a career that I was excited about. Cosmetology has given me that passion back and I'm so grateful for that. I'm in a career where I can make someone's day, every day. I'm not just doing hair, I get to be someone's day-maker. If I didn't come to this school, I know I would just be going through the motions of life instead of actually living it to the fullest. Everyone that I've met along the way wants nothing but success for me, and I've never had this much support before. I now have so much ahead of me and I can't wait to see where this career takes me. I love EFA!
Are you ready to make the switch to cosmetology?
We can help you move to the next phase of figuring out the whole following-your-dreams-of-going-to-beauty-school thing.
Or call our Admissions Team at 316-440-4782 today!